About Us

The Old Harveians Association is for alumni of the Harvey Grammar School of all ages and eras to keep in touch with their friends, peers, teachers and with the School. Members range in age from those who have left in the last couple of years to students from the 1930s and 40s.

There are thousands of Old Harveians in all fields of life, public service and business across the world. Two even met on a mountain in South America.

Others include a recently retired Master of the Queen Mary 2, the Principal of Hertford College at Oxford University, the Head of the Test and Development Centre at Mercedes F1, the Managing Director of an International Bank and several Professors. And, perhaps most importantly, the current Head of School itself, the first Old Boy to hold the position.

Students who made their mark longer ago (some sadly no longer with us) include a Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and Life Peer, a Kent and England cricketing legend and a rock star. And the staff also have their stories with several being involved with the Bletchley code-breakers in World War 2.

Almost without exception, former students recognise what an exceptionally fine school the Harvey was and how fortunate we are to have received such a good all-round education. In recent years the school’s record of achievement has excelled in every area. At the last Ofsted inspection the school was classed as Outstanding in every category.

For the more athletic (or just enthusiastic) the Association also fields teams against the School in the annual football, cricket, hockey, table tennis and golf matches – enthusiasm is more important than talent!

The OHA has a unique and close relationship with the School. The Harvey does not have a Parent Teachers Association and the OHA provides the important fund-raising that is usually done by a PTA. In recent years these funds have provided a new mini-bus, re-stocked the Library and sent all Year 9 pupils to Ypres war graves each year during the WW1 commemorations. This is why your membership and subscription is so important. The Association produces a regular Newsletter and has an active social calendar. The first Saturday in December always sees the OHA Annual Reunion Dinner at the School, which invariably attracts a large gathering and is a focus for the year-group reunions. We hold occasional luncheons with distinguished speakers, a Concert each March as well as running trips to places of interest.

New Members
Only full members of the OHA can access the Members Area of the website. If you would like to join the association for just £15 per year subscription, please contact our secretary, Mark Harrison, at harrison84@ntlworld.com for an application form and we’ll be pleased to welcome you to our active and flourishing alumni Association. The subscription is taken from your bank account on the 1st of January each year, so the sooner you join, the more you get for free!


3 Responses to About Us

  1. Robert Clayton says:

    I know Geoff Rayner-Canham was in Newfoundland Canada a few years ago. I will try to get his contact information for you.

  2. Robert Clayton says:

    Geoff Rayner-Canham was last heard of living in Newfoundland, Canada, 3-4 years ago. He would be 77 or 78 now. Very active in the Chemical Dept of a University there. I will try to get you some contact information. My cousin (also an OHA alumni) is married to a lady that knows his whereabouts, and met him at Chemistry conference.

    Bob Clayton 1955-62

  3. Stuart Martin says:

    Some time ago, I was in touch with two of my old form mates, but over the years have lost touch.
    In these GDPR days, is it possible to a) let me have the email addresses, or b) tell me if they are still OHA members/alive?
    The two persons are: Arthur (Dave) Baker 55-62 and Geoff Rayner-Canham 55-62.

    Stuart Martin

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